The Renewable Energy Sources Operator & Guarantees of Origin (DAPEEP SA) manages the RES and the High Efficiency Cogeneration of Electricity and Heat (CHP) of the National Interconnected System, as well as the Guarantees of Origin of electricity produced by RES and CHP. It is the auctioneer of polluting rights in Greece, while at the same time it also operates as a Cumulative Representation Body (FOSE) of RES producers.

It is the evolution of the Electricity Market Operator (LAGIE SA) and was created in order to meet the current challenges in the field of Renewable Energy Sources, while at the same time it is the largest shareholder in the Hellenic Energy Exchange (HEXE) and the second largest seller after PPC in Electricity Market operated by HEX.

DAPEEP will support ProEuropean in the H2Crete Project, as

  • DAPEEP will ensure the sustainability of the existing investment, via the support scheme that will be applied (Feed-in Tariff/Feed-in Premium).
  • DAPEEP will also represent the Power Generation Unit in the market of electricity.