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August 17, 2023LONDON (ICIS)–The Latvian transmission system operator (TSO) Conexus announced on 3 August that it will conduct a non-binding market study on hydrogen infrastructure to establish the potential for hydrogen demand, production, transmission, and storage in the country.
The study will run until 1 October 2023. All Latvian active entrepreneurs are welcome to participate in the assessment, according to a statement by Conexus. The study will establish the readiness for hydrogen transmission pipelines and potential hydrogen storage services in 2030, 2035, 2040, and 2050, according to the TSO.
Additionally, the survey will help the TSO identify potential transmission corridor routes and interconnections, entry points from production facilities, entry/exit points for hydrogen storage, exit points for consumers, and transmission capacity.
“By identifying and studying stakeholder interest in new forms of energy, transmission system operators can model the future development of the sector,” said Conexus chairman of the board Uldis Bariss.
Other neighbouring countries have taken steps for the development of hydrogen infrastructure. The Lithuanian Ministry of Energy presented a roadmap for the development of the hydrogen sector in the national update to the energy and climate plan covering the period 2021-2030.
The Estonian Ministry of Climate published the country’s hydrogen roadmap in February 2023. The strategy estimates the renewable hydrogen production potential in Estonia by 2030 between 2,000 and 40,000tonnes/year.
Conexus has partnered with other regional TSOs to establish the North-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor project, dedicated to the creation of a cross-border hydrogen transmission corridor from Finland through Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland to Germany by 2030.
Partners include Gasgrid Finland, Elering, Amber Grid, Gaz System Poland, and Ontras. Conexus is also working on a separate regional hydrogen storage project with a planned capacity of over 10TWh.
Other European TSOs have come out announcing similar non-binding demand surveys or infrastructure consultations. On 3 August, the Romanian TSO Transgaz announced it will also be running a similar study into hydrogen market demand until 15 September. Results will be published by 1 November.
Spain made a similar announcement on 28 July. The TSO Enagas said it will launch a call for interest on 14 September to assess demand related to the Spanish Hydrogen Backbone system.
Other TSOs including Hungarian FGSZ, Croatian Plinacro, Gasgrid Finland, and Slovenian Plinovodi have announced similar initiatives.